About Me

I am a researcher and teacher with over 17 years of teaching and leadership experience, and a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management (Distinction). I have a strong commitment to feminism and socialist principles, and I believe that education should be free and accessible to everyone, without the barriers that currently exist due to economic, racial, and gender-based inequities. I think knowledge and resources should be shared openly and that we should work together to support each other, especially those who need it most.

As a researcher, my goal is to contribute to making education more equitable, and argue against systems that allow a few to benefit at the expense of many, and view education as a pathway to social justice and empowerment. I think technology is a very powerful and under-explored tool to enhance learning for adults and students alike, and I hope to explore ways emerging technologies like AI and XR, and familiar tools such as online learning environments can break down barriers to teacher learning and education.

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Connecticut under the mentorship of Dr Suzanne Wilson, and a Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Science. I am also an NSF-funded fellow in the TRANScend program, which supports educational neuroscience convergence research. My research experience has involved a range of quantitative and qualitative studies in education contexts, including designing online and in-person lab-based experiments, collecting and analyzing behavioral, EEG, and eye tracking data, survey-based research, and qualitative, explanatory case study research.

In addition to teaching and research, I co-authored a book for teachers and administrators about technology integration, have designed and delivered extensive professional development workshops and courses internationally, and enjoy engaging in translational work and science communication through writing and podcasting.


    • Experience with survey design, and statistical analysis using a variety of methods and software.

    • Led and collaborated on the design and implementation of in-person and online human subjects research

    • Collected behavioral, EEG, and eye tracking data from over 250 participants for one study

    • Conducted interviews and focus groups with teachers, administrators, and leaders for a variety of qualitative research studies, including policy brief, and academic research

    • Led the creation, development and use of qualitative coding schemes and thematic analysis of interview and open-ended survey response data for academic and corporate projects

  • Experienced and proficient with a variety of software and digital tools including:

    • Qualtrics

    • Gorilla Experiment Builder

    • SR Research Experiment Builder

    • Prolific

    • R

    • Matlab - EEGlab

    • SPSS

    • Atlas.ti

    • NVivo

    • General office software including Excel/Sheets, Word/Docs, Powerpoint/Slides etc

  • Academic and technical writing

    • Editor and peer-reviewed manuscript writing

    • IRB documentation

    • Procedural and informative documentation for team knowledge bases

    Science communication for non-academic audiences

    • Co-authored a book on technology integration, published by Heinemann US

    • Developed a blog and podcast to provide teachers with accessible information about education research, including interviewing prominent academics

    • Wrote guest blog articles for an audience of teachers and administrators

    • Interviewed for several podcasts on the topic of education technology integration

    • 15+ years of elementary and middle school teaching and leadership in the UK, Germany, and Thailand

    • 8 + years designing and delivering professional development workshops, courses, and 1:1 coaching for K-12 and Higher Education teachers and faculty, online and in-person for

    • Experience designing, teaching, and assessing undergraduate large-format 3-credit course, online and in person

    • Certified Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction (CBCI) trainer

    • Certified Cognitive Coach

    • Co-ordinated a large-scale human subjects research project, with a total award of $1.3M, involving an interdisciplinary team

    • Managed and produced several podcasts, including a flagship podcast for a large nonprofit education organization in the US

    • Initiated and led whole-school technology infrastructural development, with a budget of over €100k

    • Led school-level pedagogical technology development and education, including staff coaching, cross-team collaboration, and administrative duties including budgeting and reporting
