007: COVID-19, and the Facebook group helping teachers around the world

It’s February 2020 and we are in the midst of an unprecedented event in the history of education. Schools all around the world are closing simultaneously in an effort to curb the spread of Coronavirus, but learning and teaching are largely expected to continue through distance learning.

School closures are not new in many parts of the world, but the scale and potential duration of these closures present unique challenges to teachers and families. Many schools are turning to technology to facilitate ongoing learning, but teachers are facing a steep learning curve. Fortunately, a supportive and extensive community of colleagues has developed in recent weeks, connected by social media.

One group, which is growing at an incredible rate, is the Global Educator Collective group. In this episode we interviewed its founder, Kirsten Durward, about the origins of the group, how the community has stepped in and stepped up to ask for and give support to colleagues, and what the next steps are for teachers as this situation develops.


008: Screen Time - What The Research Says


006: Behavior Charts