Chapter 10: Integrating Technology in Your Context

The Status Quo.png

Whenever change is happening there is a range of factors that hinders or supports that change. You can imagine these factors functioning as opposing teams in a tug-of-war where the aim of one side is to move the status quo while the other seeks to keep it still.

The task of reimagining the role of technology in education is a journey that we encourage the entire educational community to undertake together. Like many journeys, this one is likely to have delays and detours as well as successes and awakenings, and it can happen only one step at a time. Meaningful, lasting change is never quick or easy, but each step we take brings us closer to a future where technology fulfills its potential as a truly purposeful, meaningful tool to enhance student learning.

An important part of undertaking that journey is recognizing where you are starting from. To support you in this, we created several templates you can use to 1. identify your current situation, 2. identify the factors supporting and hindering integration (Forcefield templates 1 and 2 serve the same purpose but have different formats to choose between depending on how you think best) and 3. from there take action to move technology integration forwards.

1. Identifying the status quo

1. Identifying the status quo

2. Forcefield template 1

2. Forcefield template 1

3. Forcefield template 2

3. Forcefield template 2

4. Planning template

4. Planning template

Click on each image to download a free PDF template


Enhancing Teacher Communication with Technology


Chapter 6: Planning and Scaffolding Tech Integration